
Мы предлагаем консалтинговые услуги в области управления персоналом: Обучение - семинары и тренинги разнообразной бизнес - тематики: от тренингов активных продаж до менеджмента и...


Something really good is coming very soon. If you have something new you’re looking to launch, you’re going to want to start building a community of people interested in what you’re launching. The Launch...


Zimbra provides open source server and client software for messaging and collaboration. To find out more visit https://www.zimbra.com.


Well, it’s been about a month since I initiated the State of Simulation Testing - 2015 survey, and the results are in. In total, 29 people responded, and the results were quite informative about the state of...


One of the most common faux pas I see in the Datomic-wilds is creating functions that eschew the database as a value (e.g. accepting db as an argument). Instead, they treat the connection as a value.


Поиск. Тип объекта. Не важно Автобизнес СТО Готовый бизнес Зем. участок Отдельно ст. здание Офис Производство ПСН Склад Торгово-офисное помещение Торговое помещение.


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